A good article on Philanthropy and giving by Peter singer. Examines issue of giving how much and why. Do people have inherent motives in giving (feel good abolut themselves or do they need to do it out of guilt. Are super-rich who are lavish in their giving pure mided souls. The less inclined would not think so.
Let’s start with the question of motives. The rich must — or so some of us with less money like to assume — suffer sleepless nights because of their ruthlessness in squeezing out competitors, firing workers, shutting down plants or whatever else they have to do to acquire their wealth. When wealthy people give away money, we can always say that they are doing it to ease their consciences or generate favorable publicity.
Followers of the 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant would disagree. They think an act has moral worth only if it is done out of a sense of duty. Doing something merely because you enjoy doing it, or enjoy seeing its consequences, they say, has no moral worth, because if you happened not to enjoy doing it, then you wouldn’t do it, and you are not responsible for your likes and dislikes, whereas you are responsible for your obedience to the demands of duty.
On why the rich and successful are obligated to give.
...people can earn large amounts only when they live under favorable social circumstances, and that they don’t create those circumstances by themselves.
-- From Uncommon-Knowledge-Dept.