Friday, May 11, 2007

Swag by Elmore Leonard

Swag by Elmore Leonard
From the Publisher
The author of Get Shorty, Elmore Leonard writes of a world that is all-too-real, too frighteningly formidable. In Swag, he takes us down the streets of summertime Detroit where life is not so sweet - unless you're handy at crime.
His three "heroes" boast an expertise in things illegal. They conjure up a plan that will reap a tax-free $100,000. All it takes is an armed robbery and the street-savvy to get away with it. It's a brilliant caper with a finely timed finale.

Used car salesman recruits a car thief in his gran plan to be sucessfull in armed robbery by following his set of rules which works for a while till they are double crossed by another group in a heist.

Rating: 4 Stars

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