Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Looking for "Flickr-like" functionality for books

Looking for "Flickr-like" sites but for books only. I would like to track what I have read which is basically this blog but now I need additional categorising functionality (by author, by genre, etc).

I had an account with Allconsuming.net but I found that it was too much work to enter stuff in it and also very slow.

Some sites I have found are


If running your own website.

tReadingList is a set of PHP4 scripts designed to provide a list of books read, with commentary, for websites. The system uses HTML based templates to specify formatting of the reading list pages, providing complete control of page appearance to the webmaster. The system's backend is provided by a MySQL database, and support is included for generation of both a list of recent books read and a list of older books, as well as integration with Amazon.com Associate Accounts. Reading list HTML pages are only regenerated when changes are made to books, so end users suffer no delays caused by database access or parsing of scripting code. tReadingList is licensed under the GNU GPL. View: Node 777: The Reading List

Setof PHP scripts if you want to run your site. This is exactly like this blog site with rating and review portion.

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