Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bluetick Revenge by Mark Cohen

"Karlynn Slade is ready to tell U.S. Marshals everything she knows about the Sons of Satan, the most dangerous biker gang in Colorado. She already left her boyfriend, Thaddeus Bugg, the gang's leader. And she pocketed three hundred thousand dollars from the Sons before she left. But Karlynn needs one more thing before she starts talking: Prince, the purebred bluetick coonhound she shared with Bugg." "Private eye Pepper Keane has never dognapped before, but there's something about stealing from the Sons of Satan that appeals to his sense of humor. So when Karlynn's lawyer hires him to snatch Prince, the former Marine JAG packs some roast beef along with his Glock and goes. Before he knows it, he's also agreeing to babysit Karlynn, black leather boots and all, until the feds can set her up in the Witness Protection Program. Everything seems cozy until Bugg asks Pepper to find his "wife."" "The money is good (hard cash), and Pepper can't think of a better way to know the enemy and keep him away from his client, so Pepper accepts. Then the wrong someone sees Pepper and Karlynn together - and Bugg's woman disappears." As Pepper says, "this has got to rank right up there with the worst days of my life. We got the skinheads after us. We've got the Sons of Satan after us. The feds think we helped a critical witness disappear. We've been shot at and we've shot at people. I had to hitchhike in the snow. I spent twenty thousand dollars in drug money that isn't even mine on a new truck. And I just invited Uncle Ray to my house for the holidays. It's hard to imagine how it could get much worse."
Rating: 5 Stars

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